
for beneficial transfer

Broad networking for far-reaching transfer

A regular and trusting exchange with experts from very different disciplines, levels and specializations ensures that I have the latest findings and up-to-date knowledge.

The exchange between science and practice is important to me. Networking is based on contacts in very different categories.


Schmalenbachgesellschaft e.V .
Active member and founding member of the M&A and Digital Finance working group

Katholische Universität Eichstätt
I have been a lecturer in Business Valuation, Corporate Finance

Deutsche Rechnungslegungs Standards Committee e.V. (DRSC)
I have been a member of the DRSC for several years now

Gesellschaft für Finanzwirtschaft in der Unternehmensführung e.V. (GEFIU)
Membership of the German Association of Financial Executive

I am also temporarily or permanently active as a network partner, advisor, advisory board member or supervisory board member:

“Working with companies from a wide range of sectors helps to anticipate developments across all industries and to align measures as flexibly and forward-looking as possible within the scope of the company’s possibilities.”

I am a member of the Hessischer Kreis e.V. Privately I am a member of the Rotary Club Holzkirchen I am involved.

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